[RFC] Removal of publicly-facing workflows
[FEAT] Pin internal action usages to the currently released version as opposed to `main`.
[FEAT] Automatically build `supported-version` and commit it if someone forgets to do so.
[BUG] Coding Standard Action should not checkout repositories
[FEAT] Add support for `magento/magento-cloud-metapackage` in `get-magento-version`
[FEAT] Use `composer.lock` to find installed Magento version in `store` mode of `get-magento-version`
[CHORE] Fix all `::set-output` deprecations
[FEAT] Add support for `phpcs_path` phpcs in `coding-standard`
[DOCS] Write a yaml processor which converts the `actions.yml` to a table for READMEs.
[DOCS] Write a yaml processor which adds the actions to the root README
[FEAT] `fix-magento-install` should use the new `get-composer-version` action
[FEAT] automatic class documentation header
[FEAT] Support Static Tests
[FEAT] As a developer, I want to be able to test upcoming versions of Magento on supported-version in a pseudo-known state.
[FEAT] User-friendly job names for jobs following `supported-versions`
[FEAT] Create an action that builds a alpine dockerfile of a magento store.
[FEAT] An action that builds a fpm and cli docker image
[FEAT] Create an action that works with the MageOS nightlies to determine whats going to break between your current Magento version and the next.
[FEAT] Run integration tests w/o Rabbitmq
[FEAT] Add PHP (8.2) Version Support
[FEAT] Cypress Tests
[FEAT] Magento Coding Standards / PHP Compatibility tests
[BUG] Replace Graycore References With Mage-OS
[FEAT] Support API and GraphQL tests
[FEAT] As a developer, I want to know if my Magento VCS `config.php` is in sync with what would be deployed.
[BUG] Various automatic changelog generation and release generation aspects are not working
[FEAT] As a developer, I want to see these actions listed on the Github Marketplace.
[FEAT] Add support for cs2pr to magento2-coding-standard phpcs Github Actions